Teaching Kids Small Habits for Big Impacts

| May 9, 2019

HabitsRaising children can be a crazy whirlwind of happiness, stress, and ultimate joy. I mean nothing seems to tip the scales into the absolute of “don’t have babies”, Yes, it can be tiring and some days you’d like to just lay out on the beach without a care in the world, but parenthood isn’t a circus act all of the time.

That being said, every parent, whether they believe it or not, could use a little help here and there rearing their children.

And although I can only be here in spirit, these tips to help build small, healthy habits in your small humans can make a big impact for both your lives.

Create a Breakfast Habit

It’s true, eating with kids can be a nightmare. Getting them the proper nutrition while trying to make sure they actually eat their food versus just play with it can be a huge struggle to try and overcome three or more times a day.

That being said, never skip breakfast. As tempting as it may seem to just let breakfast become brunch, or to get the pop tarts out (which, let’s be real, is sometimes the go-to breakfast when you’re behind schedule), try and make it a habit for you to make it a habit for them to eat breakfast in the morning before school or social activities.

Other than the fact that it’s an important meal for all humans to partake in—especially for the young ones—it also builds the habit to eat a healthy, well-balanced meal at the start of the day.

Breakfast doesn’t have to be an extravagant meal for royalty, it could just be a bowl of yogurt, fruit, and nuts (if your kids are into that sort of thing).

Heck, it could even be a protein waffle and a glass of almond milk. It’s not necessarily about the food as much as forming the habit.

Brush Those Teeth

HabitsTeeth brushing can be the ultimate struggle. I’ve seen even the most patient of parents completely breakdown when it’s time to brush those tiny teeth.

But regardless of how overwhelming the experience might be, when good habits are formed, and massive amounts of persistence are employed, eventually the ritual of teeth cleaning will become a pleasant one.

Try making it a fun time! Play their favorite song for the duration of brushing. Let them pick out their toothbrush and toothpaste.

Involve them as much as possible. Make brushing twice a day fun and not a chore.

Read with Them Every Day

Develop your child’s reading habits at a young age. Reading with your child is a chance to bond together.

Make reading during playtime and before bedtime a habit and a tradition. Reading can actually help boost up your child’s self-esteem and strengthen their relationships with you and their peers.

Get Them Involved in Cooking

You might be thinking, “my kids are too young to learn how to cook”. It’s true that your toddler might not be at an age where they can successfully handle cooking over a stove, but take any opportunity to get them involved in snack preparation.

From making their own peanut butter and jelly sandwich to cleaning their fruits or veggies.

Taking the time to teach your children food preparation from a young age will instill in them the habit of eating well-balanced meals at home.

If you have older children, get them involved in breakfast and dinner. Teach them how to make simple meals they can use when they’ve left your household.

Patience & Consistency

HabitsWe all have our ups and downs. You’ll end some days thinking that you’ve finally got a handle on parenthood only to wake up the next morning thinking that you’ve taken two steps back.

You’re not perfect and neither are your children. Remember, you’ll learn together and from each other.

Work for what’s important for their future. Work on improvement over time!


Make it a habit to show your children the importance of patience. They’re bound to make mistakes, but try your best to not put tremendous amounts of pressure on them to succeed or meet your behavioral expectations.

Show encouragement, but hold back criticism as they learn. Healthy habits take time to discover and enjoy, remember that you might still be trying to learn some of them as an adult today.

No one adopts good habits overnight, as much as we’d like that to be the truth.

Consistency Habits

Remain consistent with the good habits you’re trying to keep, even through the tough times in the beginning.

Consistency right from the start is key to creating habits that are used throughout childhood and well into adulthood.

There’s bound to be slip-ups here and there, but don’t quit on those habits. Eventually, you’ll be thankful you didn’t.

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