Simple Self-Reliance: How to Pay Off Your Debts Faster

| March 23, 2018

Pay Off Your DebtsDebt is a topic that’s often on the top of people’s minds. Even if you went into debt for a good reason, that doesn’t change the fact that debts can be a burden which are important to ease as soon as possible. If you’ve been working hard to pay off your debts but can’t seem to make much headway, it’s time to take a step back to see if you can do something differently.

Here are a few possible ways to consider to help you pay off your debts faster and find that financial freedom that you know is best.

Budget Big

Monthly payments on debt, whether it’s a mortgage, auto loans from companies like Bay Ridge Nissan, or some other type of debt, are essential to include in your monthly budget.

While that might be a given, how you include them in your budget is key to how quickly you’re able to pay off your debts. Though you have a set monthly payment that you were likely given at the origination of the debt, you can always pay more toward the debt if you want to.

The debt holder is not going to reject money that you give them, even if they’d prefer you be in debt for longer since it means more interest payments for them.

Come up with a number that’s a percentage higher than your current payment and make that your new monthly payment. Pretend that this new number is the minimum payment every month so you can be sure to stick with it and pay off your debts.

Lower Your Costs

While you want to increase the amounts you commit to your debt every month in your budget, it’s important to lower the spending in other categories in your budget as much as possible.

This will free up even more cash to be able to pay down your debt even more quickly, thus freeing up that money you were using for your debt payment to be able to do whatever it is that you really want to do.

So, shop around for cell phone service, auto insurance, and other fixed costs. You should also consider ways to conserve energy to save money on your utility bill, think about whether or not you really need to eat out as often as you do, and find ways to spend time with friends and family that don’t involve spending money.

Make More Money

Beyond saving as much money as possible, the only other real way to pay down debt faster is to make more money. In some cases, this will mean working extra hours or working toward getting that promotion you’ve been eyeing.

More money from your job is a great, consistent way to direct more income toward your debt and can add up quite quickly. Another great way to increase income is to sell unwanted items from around your home.

You’d be surprised at how much the random items you have laying around can fetch through 

Take on Less Debt

While you can’t change the debt you already have taken on, you can control the amount you take on in the future. The absolute best way to pay off debt quickly is to start off with a smaller debt.

Consider your needs before taking on debt to ensure it’s something that’s truly worth going into debt for.

A brand new car is certainly nice, but perhaps an older car that’s just as reliable will meet your needs just as well and do it for a much lower price.

For many people, freedom from debt will bring a much greater feeling than anything they acquired by going into debt. If that’s true of you, make sure to always have your priorities in order when it comes to debt.

Simple Life

Money can’t buy happiness but it can certainly buy a quick dose of misery. Having control over your money will give you a greater sense of control over all areas of your life.

Your family life will improve, your stress level will drop, and you’ll be an all-around more pleasant person to be with. Don’t let your money control you and you’ll have taken the first major step to living in financial independence for the rest of your life.

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