How to Stay Comfortable at Home on a Budget

| March 15, 2018

BudgetYour home should be a comfortable place that you and your family look forward to spending time in. Achieving that comfort may involve making some strategic decisions so that you don’t break the monthly household budget or the house repair budget.

There’s a variety of decorating tips and spending tips that you can implement to help you create a comfortable home environment.

Check Out the Windows

Old, drafty, poor-fitting windows can cause an increase in your heating and cooling bills. They can also make your home uncomfortable, especially in the winter. A simple inspection of the windows will help you discover air leaks that need immediate attention.

If replacing old windows with new windows is not a viable option, there are other, less expensive steps you can take to make the windows more efficient.

Caulking and weather stripping are affordable ways to seal windows. Installing cellular shades or layered curtains can also improve the comfort level of your home.

Buy a New Hot Water Heater

Hot water is a necessity when it comes to achieving comfort within your home. If you have an old hot water heater that is operating in an inefficient manner, you can save yourself some money by replacing it.

Sometimes, stretching the budget or making adjustments to the budget in order to replace inefficient appliances will save you a considerable amount of money over a period of time.

There are many types of hot water heaters available from companies like First Class Water Heaters Inc. Do some research to determine what type best fits your budget, your home and your lifestyle.

Add a Fireplace


Many people spend more time indoors during the winter than they do in the summer. Warmth is the key to indoor comfort when the outside temperature is uncomfortably cold.

Adding a free-standing fireplace to your living room or bedroom can add visual and physical warmth. Ventless fireplaces can be placed in any room. Free-standing fireplaces are often simplistic in design which makes them easy to add to almost any décor and any size room.

Wall hung fireplaces and corner fireplaces are space-saving designs that fit nicely into small rooms.

Choose Furniture

In order for your home to be the relaxing haven you’re eager to spend time in, you need comfortable furniture. When shopping for furniture, set a budget, comparison shop and be flexible.

If you have kids and pets, choosing durable, stain-resistant furniture is best. Make comfortable chairs and beds a priority and spend less on accent pieces. Creating a seating arrangement near the fireplace in the living room will create a cozy, comfortable place for the family together.

When the budget is tight, you can rely on some decorative accessories to make your home warm and comfortable. Rugs help insulate a room. Throws are a functional and visually attractive accessory.

Candles add warmth and serenity to a room. Accent pillows on a sofa help make it a warm, cozy place to relax on a chilly day.


Category: Family Finances

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