Saving Your Finances By Going To The Doctor Regularly

| November 5, 2013

ID-100114119It is so true that prevention is better than cure, especially when it comes to your health, and not just because to prevent is often less damaging and less painful. If you are wise, then you try to manage your finances in the most economical way possible, and this means spending a little on a regular basis so you never have a huge surprise bill to pay. By spending a little, I mean getting regular health checks, spending a little more so you can afford to buy healthy foods and taking a health supplement to combat all the pollution, chemicals and other things that it’s impossible for us to avoid being exposed to. It’s sort of like paying insurance in a way. Below we have listed some things any finance conscious person can do to save money in the long run.

Regular exercise

Getting in some exercise every week will help keep your weight down which will save you from heart problems, diabetes, joint pain and obesity.  Ask your doctor before you begin any new exercise plan.

Dental health

Neglecting your teeth and gums will not only damage your beautiful teeth and smile but also cause other health and social problems. Bad breath will leave you with no one to have a face to face conversation with. Talking without ever smiling or worse covering your mouth every time you laugh will leave people guessing and uneasy. Neglecting to floss and use mouthwash greatly increase your risk of getting gum disease or an infection both of which could lead to heart problems, stroke, high blood pressure, brain abscesses, diabetes and damage to babies still in the womb.

Blood pressure and blood sugar checks

These are really cheap tests to take. Sometimes, you can even get them done for free at your local mall or shopping center. They can tell you whether you are at risk of getting diabetes  or suffering from hypertension, artery disease,  coronary thrombosis and more. I’m sure you would rather spend a few bucks now rather than having one of these health problems to deal with later.

Lipid profile

Cardiovascular disease includes diseases of the arteries, veins and capillaries, and they are all unpleasant diseases to have. Getting a lipid profile done at least once a year will make sure none of them threaten your life; it will also warn you of high cholesterol or if you are heading down that road.

Cancer screening

Prostate cancer, breast cancer, cervical cancer… They all sound dreadful right? Well, drinking green tea or coffee and taking health supplements greatly reduces your risk of getting cancer. However, if you do get cancer of some sort, then earl detection gives you the best chance of fighting it and winning. So ask your doctor about mammograms and pap smears if you’re a woman and prostate tests if you’re a guy.

Lose weight

If you’re overweight, then slimming down should be your main focus. There are plenty of safe and healthy ways to lose fat quickly. If you are having trouble losing weight through dieting and exercising on your own, then visit a professional dietitian today for help trimming down.


Today’s society pretty much demands that we always be on our toes and plugged in. Counteract these pressures by hanging out with friends, getting massages and beauty treatments and watching a movie or TV show occasionally. In addition, yearly stress tests like ECG and EEG help in keeping an eagle’s eye on your stress levels and your cardiac health.

So when looking for ways to lower your finance burdens, remember that paying for a health checkup is far less expensive than the bills that come with treating a disease.

Author Bio

Sarah Daren is a writer who creates informative articles relating to the field of health. In this article, she describes the financial benefits of regular check ups and aims to encourage further study through  UC Clinical Laboratory Science Degrees.

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