Investing In A Music Teacher To Benefit Your Children’s Future

| November 5, 2013

Music lesson on electric guitar, Tulane Univer...

At one point in history, nearly all children not from a poor family were given music lessons. Sadly, this tradition has died out quite a bit over the years, but a musical education is still the best way to give your child a head start in life. When planning out your finance budget, be sure to include money for a music teacher.

Music lessons are a good investment for any child and the type of lesson doesn’t necessarily matter. Whether your child is interested in piano, voice or drums, he or she will reap the benefits of the lessons for the rest of their life.

Increase IQ

A study done by the University of Toronto showed that six year olds who took music lessons for a year boosted their IQ by an average of three points. Other studies show that kids who learn musical skills do better in school.

Boost Self Confidence

Everyone feels good about doing well at something and children who learn to play music build their confidence. This can help them in all aspects of their life.

Teach Work Ethic and Discipline

Practice makes perfect. These are words that we hear all the time, but kids who study music get to experience the mantra first hand. When they work harder and practice longer, they will see results. The end result is a great work ethic when they realize that putting effort into something yields results. They will also learn to become more disciplined through music lessons. In the future, this skill could help your child run his own business or get to the top of his career.

Better Social Skills

Instruments were meant to be played together, so it is not uncommon for children to join bands or to play with other music students. This creates a safe place for them to work on their social skills and to relate to other people of all ages. They also learn to work with others in a team setting and will be required to play in front of crowds, which can help with presentations and speeches later in life.

Improve Memory

Memorization skills are a lost art these days, but music classes will bring this back. The ability to learn music and remember a piece can actually improve a child’s memory and the results are long lasting.

Give Them a Way to Express Themselves
Music can take on many feelings, from sad to angry and cheerful. This makes it a wonderful way for musicians to express themselves, something that kids need, particularly as they hit the teen years.

Boost Creativity

Creativity is something that most parents want to foster in their children. Figuring out a way to finance music lessons could well be the best way to increase creativity in your child. While kids do start off with the basics and following written music, it’s not uncommon for them to branch out into writing their own songs and playing with unique melodies once they have a handle on the rules.

It doesn’t matter what instrument your child learns to play, it is the basic knowledge of music that makes it so helpful. Children who study music actually have brains that function differently from non-musicians. Musically talented children can often make money with their skill, even if they go on to study in a different area of discipline. Add to this the fact that music is a great ice breaker and you have a skill that will serve them directly or indirectly forever.

It’s worth finding a way to finance music lessons to help secure your children a better future. The investment is one that will pay dividends for years to come, as anyone who has taken piano lessons as a child will tell you.

Author Bio

Ryan Ayers is a writer who creates informative articles in relation to education. In this article, he describes the benefits of investing in a music teacher and aims to encourage further study with a KSU Online Masters of Music Education.



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