Tips for Saving Money on Household Utilities

| April 5, 2014

Tips for Saving Money on Household UtilitiesSaving money on everything is becoming more and more of a necessity. With an uncertain economy and household budgets that are tighter and tighter every month, finding ways to save a few dollars becomes more imperative. Household utilities make up a large portion of most household budgets, and finding ways to save money on utilities is one method for saving money.

Create a Budget

The first place you’ll want to start when you want to cut your utility bills is by forming a budget. Record all the utilities you pay on a monthly basis. Your budget should include everything from your city electric bill to the cost of Cincinnati trash removal. You’ll need to take averages of your past monthly bills to decide how much to allot to each area. After you get your average expenses, you’ll be able to start finding ways to cut back.


To save on utilities like electricity or gas, turn the thermostat temperature down or up, depending upon the season. Learn to wear layers to keep warm or dress in light, cotton clothing to keep cool. While adjusting the thermostat, remember to check the temperature on your water heater. If it is turned up higher than 120 degrees, you are using — and paying for — unnecessary electricity.

Get into the habit of turning off electronic items when not in use. Shut down computers, televisions, lights, and other items. Plug electronic items into power strip surge protectors to make it easy to shut everything off with one flip of the switch.

Wash your clothing and dishes in cold water instead of hot to save on the heating cost of the water. Hang your clothing to dry either on hangers or on a clothesline if the weather permits.


When using water, there are a few easy ways to cut back consumption and ultimately result in a cheaper bill. Set timers for showers to keep family members from indulging in unlimited showers that run up your bill.

Reuse your clothing as much as possible to save laundry cycles. Wearing a pair of jeans once for a couple of hours does not require laundering again. Establish a rule that “if it’s not got dirt and doesn’t smell, it’s still clean.” This will save a few loads of laundry and might force your family to be more careful with their clothing. Of course, this doesn’t work for children or athletic clothing, but dress clothes and things worn over other clothing like sweaters can generally go without being washed.

Hang bath towels after use then use them again. If every person hangs their towel to dry, it will save water as well as electricity.

If you wash dishes by hand, get into the habit of running one sink for washing, then the other sink for rinsing. This cuts back on running the faucet excessively to rinse dishes.

Small Changes Make a Difference

Even a few small changes can save you a little. Making minor changes and establishing new habits will help you cut back on utilities, even just a little. Remember, every penny counts when you are on a tight budget.


Category: Family Finances, Saving Money

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