Tips For Dealing With Debt

| December 11, 2013

ID-10098495Debt is one of the most common concerns for people. Growing bills create a stressful situation that leads to emotional as well as physical issues. According to USA Today, those health problems include heart attacks and ulcers. Correctly managing financial concerns can significantly decrease these problems while bringing a sense of relief.

Create A Budget

A carefully planned budget could be the start of a healthy fiscal outlook or supplement current problems. Look at what issues are most important. Monthly expenses such as groceries, medicine and utilities should be given top priority. Always set aside an amount towards future savings. This can be a small figure that changes over time. Making cuts can be difficult but is necessary for success. Services such as cable tv are considered non-essential to daily life and should be the first items to go on any tight budget.

Avoid Credit Cards

Credit cards can be one of the worst items for a consumer dealing with serious financial issues. Spending to take care of bills as well as other expenses quickly adds up. In many cases, these debts cannot be paid on time, creating a lower credit score. Consider a prepaid card or debit card instead to deal with special circumstances. These items may have fees associated with usage. Check with each company for further details on their policies.

Work With Creditors

If the bill seems impossible to pay at once, contact the creditor and arrange a payment plan. Many creditors will work with debtors instead of resorting to other measures. If a representative says they are not able to extend that type of deal, ask if someone else is available who could address the request. Remember to be polite and courteous at all times during the conversation. Users also rely on services such as National Debt Relief when negotiating.


Bankruptcy should be the last resort for any debtor. This is a serious step that involves the legal system as well as lawyer fees. Some assets may be protected from creditors while others might be divided between current obligations. The filing will also appear on all your credit records. Be wary of organizations that offer special deals to help someone with bankruptcy proceedings. These services often become costly with hidden fees and may not offer legitimate help.

Add Additional Income

Finding additional income could help erase lingering debts. A second part time job will add to your cash flow immediately and might take little resources to accommodate. Online opportunities are a great way to generate extra funds. For instance, you can sell unwanted items on auction websites for a decent price with solid selling research.

As with many things in life, you must decide how to attack your current financial situation and stick with your plan. If you make a budget, commit to it. If you decide to take the online route, do the proper research beforehand to ensure you’re not getting involved in a scam or making costly mistakes.


Image credits: David Castillo Dominici




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