Spend Wisely and Save a Little More on Your Purchases

| September 17, 2013

Five Ways To Save Money and Reduce Your Living ExpensesIn this financially challenging time, we are most inclined to save even a little from our earnings every day. Well, it is not bad to treat ourselves for our hard work, but I guess you will agree that it is always important to prepare for the rainy days and it is good to have emergency funds.

There are so many ways to save. Financial experts suggest different strategies and offer various tips on how we can create a good financial plan and succeed in our quest to save much money before a year ends. On the contrary, most of us have this impulse to buy anything that aesthetically appeals to us, even if we wouldn’t need them.

The emergence of hi-tech gadgets and the advent of amazing technological devices are absolutely the hottest and tempting phenomena that lure many of us to spend much. Some of us also want to be in and be able to keep up with technological advancement. But, many of us want to spend only on cheap items to keep their finances in balance. Eventually, they will realize the money they spent for those “low-cost” items was a waste. Why? Give it few months or a year, and you will understand.

Spending on “low-cost” items is not invariably a good practice. There are things that we need to purchase for long-term purposes. Let’s take home theater system and gadgets for example, some of my friends invest on cheaply sold items believing that they could save. If you would look at the items, they are of quality but the truth is, they are not going to last for very long.

Undeniably, technology evolves. Each year, new inventions are introduced. The ones you have will become obsolete. It’s no big deal when you have lots of money to throw away. But we are talking about savings here, so most definitely we would like to see the value of what little money that we have. So here my “go-for” short list on smart savings and wise spending.

Quality. My first Apple iPad, which I bought on its launching, is still in very good condition until now. The Samsung TV set that I purchased seven years ago still runs like brand new. Satisfied with the overall functionality and dependability of its other products, I considered Belkin Thunderstorm handheld home theater. After all, I realized that brand does matter. It doesn’t have to be the world’s number one, but should be among the most reliable.

Functionality. Product reviews and personal recommendations will help you make a wise decision which of the many brands and units to buy. Try to study the specifications and see if that’s what you are really looking for in a device. In buying a gadget or any device, it is important to make sure it will serve its purpose without the trouble or threat of additional cost.

Accessibility. Electronic gadgets specifications are sometimes intricate to some brands. When the system is too complicated, we are likely to damage the device, spend for the possible repair, and get stressed rather than enjoy it. You don’t have to memorize a set of codes to be able to experience how good your device is. Choose user-friendly ones.

Durability. If you would want your devices to last for many years or to their maximum lifespan, you should check on their durability. A device that could withstand an unexpected fall and other similar circumstances are worth buying. Taking care of your device would help much in preserving its longevity though.

Warranty. Before closing the deal, make sure that the warranty policy is clear and that it would make you feel secured, just in case.

Frugality is actuality part of my way of living, but I prefer making long-term goals. You will thank yourself for buying an expensive item because you are not going to spend for another one like it in the next many years. That’s wise spending and smart spending!

Brandon Peters is an entrepreneur, writer and gadgets enthusiast. He loves to check out and collect new, hi-tech gadgets. But when he is home, he devotes his time writing about different topics and enjoys his handheld wireless home theater.





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