How To Save Money On Utility Bills

| January 28, 2014

English: Picture of Honeywell's iconic model T...

Utility bills do not have to take up a large portion of a family’s income, even if the weather outside is colder than it has been in many years. Following are five simple yet effective ways to save money on heating without getting cold. Some of these finance saving tips cost little money to implement while others are more costly; however, all of them are tried and proven ways of cutting back on electricity usage.

Buy Under Door Strips

Under door strips can be purchased at almost any supermarket. They are easy to install under doors and help keep the heat in the room. Buy as many as are needed and install them under every single door of the home, not just the front door. Make sure the strips used are well made and be sure to install them properly so that they do not fall off.

Keep the Thermostat at an Even Temperature

Continually adjusting the thermostat temperature will cause an increase in the home’s electric bill. Talk with other family members living in the home, come to an agreement regarding what temperature to set the thermostat to and then leave the thermostat alone.

At the same time, a family may want to consider lowering the temperature by a few degrees at night. While it may not seem like a few degrees would make any difference, it has been estimated that a family could reduce their heating bill by as much as 3% just by turning the thermostat down by a single degree.

Insulate the Home

Insulating the home will probably cost a fair bit of money. However, this home improvement will pay for itself in short order. Insulation keeps the heat inside the home in the winter; it also keeps the home cool in the summer. Insulating the roof is particularly important, as most of the heat from the home escapes via this avenue.

Invest in a New HVAC Unit

The home’s HVAC unit should be replaced every eight to ten years. Older units are not as energy efficient as newer ones, which means that it will in the end cost more to run (and repair) an old unit than it would to buy a new one. Do some research and find a unit that is both durable and energy efficient. Make sure it is installed properly so that it heats the home while using the least possible amount of electricity.

Invest in Long Underwear and Other Warm Clothing Items

Wearing flannel long underwear can significantly boost your body temperature, thus eliminating the need to set the thermostat at a high temperature. While no one wants to wear a down jacket in the house, it is important to wear warm clothing indoors to cut back on energy expenses. Invest in clothing that not only helps you retain body heat but that is comfortable. Dog owners may want to consider buying dog outfits for the dog.

Keeping the home warm in the winter without using too much electricity is always a challenge. However, the above-mentioned tips can make this task simpler, enabling you to reduce energy consumption while still staying warm. To start with, a homeowner will want to examine the home’s insulation and HVAC heating unit to see if repairs or replacement are in order. If the insulation is sufficient and the heating unit is energy efficient and runs well, then it is time to turn to small improvements and adjustments. While it may take time to look into these points and implement them, it will save a family a significant amount of money in both the short-term and long-term.

Author Bio

William Stevens is a writer who creates informative articles in relation to technology. In this article, he offers tips on saving money on utility bills and aims to encourage further study with a  master of electrical engineering.


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