How to Save Money on Your Home When the Cold Weather Hits

| November 5, 2014

How to Save Money on Your Home When the Cold Weather HitsFall is here and winter is just around the corner. The cold weather is already starting to set in and it is time to turn off the air conditioner and turn on the furnace. As the leaves fall off the trees all across America, millions of Americans are preparing for the cold winter months. Below are some simple tips to winterizing a home while saving money.

Hiring a Professional to Work on the Roof and Siding

Hiring a professional like A Clark Roofing & Siding Ltd. to do work on the roof and siding is much more beneficial than doing it yourself. First, they have experience doing the work. There is a safety risk of doing it yourself as well as a financial risk of doing it wrong. Also, professionals offer warranties so if there is any issues, they will fix it at no additional cost. Save time and hire a professional before winter hits to have a nice, installation house because of professional work.

Add Installation

Have an attic? Adding installation is one of the best things to do to save money and keep a house warm. Adding additional installation will prevent heat from kicking on more frequently and because of this, the heating bill will be less. Also, installation will add value to a home. It is recommended to add between 10 to 15 inches in installation to an attic to get the full effects.

Another way to add installation is to add it to water pipes and a hot water heater. Adding installation will increase the temperature of the pipes, so the hot water can be set on a lower setting. This helps save energy and lowers water heating costs.

Clean Furnace Filter

Make sure the furnace filter is clean before winter starts. If it looks dirty, replace it and check on it every four weeks to make sure it isn’t dirty. A clean furnace filter helps the furnace run more smoothly as well as knock off about 10% off a heating bill. If you let it get too dirty, it can cause problems later including having to repair or in the worst case scenario, having the whole system replaced. This can become very problematic especially if the cold weather has already started to affect your home.

Close Air Leaks

Anywhere where there is a draft, whether it is in the windows or doors, will allow heat to escape. Before winter starts, check and seal any air leaks that may be exposed. Also, check any weather strippings around the doors and windows and replace any that looks to be worn. Sealing air leaks properly can save about 25% on a heating bill.


If you follow all of the suggestions listed above, then you can lower your thermostat to around the recommended average of 68 degrees. A lot of people set their thermostat to 72-75 degrees, but this will raise heating cost between 7-15%. Another suggestion is to set the thermostat at night to 62 degrees. If it feels cold at all, just wear extra layers. Lastly, if you are out of town, you can lower the temperature on the thermostat down to 55 degrees. This is the lowest recommended setting without the pipes being able to freeze.

These are just a few recommendations to be prepared before winter hits. There are many other ways out there that might be more economical for you and your household. Following all these suggestions will raise the value of a home, lower heating and energy costs, and make everyone happy as they enjoy the holidays!


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