Planning for Retirement? How a Financial Advisor Can Help

| May 8, 2018

Financial Advisor

Those who want to retire at some point in the future could benefit from having a financial adviser provide insight into the process of doing so. He or she could tell you more about investment opportunities or other ways to save money for later in life.

Let’s look at some other ways a financial adviser can be helpful on your path to retirement.

You Can Learn More about Compound Interest

If you only have a few dollars to contribute to a 401k or other brokerage account, you may feel like its not enough to build a retirement fund.

The truth is that compound interest will take those few dollars and help them grow exponentially over time. This can be the motivation that you need to start saving and taking control of your financial future.

Learn More about the Impact of Fees on Your Account

Just as your savings can grow over time, fees can also grow over time. This is because brokerages or other account management firms will take 1 to 2 percent of your balance as a service fee.

Therefore, as your balance grows, it is important to search for advisers who cost less. Without someone to tell you about the impact of fees on your retirement savings, you could unwittingly lose tens of thousands of dollars over your lifetime.

Create a Budget that Meets Your Needs

Once you understand the importance of saving for the future, it is important to determine how you will do so. The first step in the process is to create a budget that includes your income and expenses.

It will also list any assets that you have such as equity in a home or car. Working with a company such as RMR Wealth Builders, you can determine how much you need to live on today and how much is left over to save for retirement.

Learn About Different Types of Investments

When you are planning for retirement, it might be a good thing to make some good investments. In other words, you don’t want to just invest your money into anything.

You want to give yourself the best chance to get a return on whatever investment you make. If you do it right, you should be able to get more money back than what you put in on your initial investment.

But how do you know what investments to make? This is where a financial advisor can come into play. They can look at your financial portfolio and give you an idea of where and when to make investments.

With that said, it is not an exact science. Just because a particular investment might work with one individual, doesn’t mean it will work the same or that it will work at all for you.

This is a certain risk with each investment you make. Your financial advisor can help you do your homework that way you are making as an informed decision as possible when it comes to investing. If you do it right, you will have even more money in retirement.

Have Someone to Help Review Your Plan

As you get older, you will need someone who can help you stay on track for retirement. This could include suggesting ways to rebalance a portfolio or suggesting other adjustments to help you meet your financial goals as life events occur.

An adviser could also help you align your financial plan with your estate planning needs.

If you want to retire in the future, the best time to start planning for it is today. With the right adviser, you can learn how to create a plan to do so, stick with it and make adjustments as events unfold.

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