New Test Offers Breast Cancer Detection 10 Years Before Development

| September 19, 2013

78. breast cancer screening

In a time where many are taking a closer look at their health and the steps necessary to live a long and healthy life, a new test designed to detect breast cancer may help reduce or eliminate the risk before it’s a threat. ForeCYTE offers a painless method of testing for breast cancer 10 years before development. As the peak age for breast cancer is between 45 and 60 years old, this test can determine your risk for breast cancer while you are still in your virile 20’s.

The Test

Unlike your conventional tests, such as mammograms, ultrasounds, and biopsies, ForeCYTE is a non-invasive and painless procedure. Utilizing a specialized breast pump, doctors extract cells from the ducts, collect them on a very thin membrane, add a fixative and ship it off to a lab to be tested. The cells from the ducts are where most cancers form in the future.

These cells are examined for abnormal changes which take place before breast cancer starts. ForeCYTE is able to detect the presence of as few as 10 abnormal breast cells, where mammograms require at least 100 million cancer cells to be detectable. This offers patients the chance to prepare and determine treatment for the future.

ForeCYTE and Other Testing

Even with the early detection ForeCYTE offers, it is not recommended as a replacement for other tests. It is however an additional test to be taken earlier in your life. By understanding the risk, patients have the opportunity to expect their cancer and prepare themselves financially and emotionally for the treatments and screenings in the future. It is still suggested that you continue with your regular testing at a hospital or lab, such as those you can find on

31. breast mass

Effectiveness on Dense Breasts

Many women with dense breasts, those with more glandular and fibrous tissue and less fatty tissue, are often at higher risk. However, conventional testing such as mammograms and ultrasounds, which rely on imaging, have a higher rate of misdiagnosing as denser breasts are harder to image through. ForeCYTE tests the cells from the ducts and doesn’t rely on imaging, making it effective on dense breasts.

Family History and Breast Cancer Risks

Many women believe a family history of breast cancer is needed to be at risk. The fact is, 85% of women who get breast cancer do not have a family history of cancer. Every woman is at risk and should be tested. Other risk factors may include:

  • Aging
  • Race and Ethnicity
  • Dense Breast Tissue
  • Benign Breast Conditions
  • Previous Chest Radiation
  • Some Birth Controls
  • Hormone Therapy after Menopause
  • Breastfeeding

Requesting the Test

As with any breast cancer screening, talking to your physician is the first step. If your doctor feels the test could be beneficial based on your health, lifestyle and family history, your doctor can perform the test in office. This is often conducted either on the same visit or a follow up visit.

By detecting your cancer risk early, you and your doctor can determine the best course of action. While your family history, ethnicity and age are unable to be changed, other lifestyle changes can help reduce the risk of developing breast cancer in the future. More exercise, quitting smoking, a better diet or even prescriptions which have been proven to help reduce the risk of breast cancer, may be needed to reduce the threat. With 10 years of notice, your chances of changing what needs changing in your life may also change your entire future.

Karen Alton is a full-time writer for health blogs. Check out her most recent posts online or follow her on Twitter @HTCKarenA.


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