Need to Save Money? Look at the Little Things

| March 6, 2014
saving and spending

saving and spending (Photo credit: 401(K) 2013)

The desire to save money can make it feel like grand sweeping changes are needed. Sometimes that’s true. Anyone who is knee-deep in debt or financially under water in an overly lavish home might need to make big sacrifices to get back on track. Yet plenty of other “regular” people just want to finally start seeing some positive momentum with finances. For the most part they live within their means and possibly have goals like an anniversary holiday or new auto, or to just have some money resting safely in savings. Maybe they’ve experienced some progress but a job loss or illness laid them flat. There is always help out there, don’t despair. Parrot payday loans can help to provide needed funds, however, no matter what the situation, it’s always good to set a budget and try to start saving whenever possible. The good news is that not all changes have to be huge ones in order to see a marked improvement. There are plenty of smaller life adjustments that can have a significant impact on one’s finances.

Police Your Bank Account
Go over every expenditure on a monthly basis to develop a clear understanding of spending habits. Instead of lumping all incidental charges into one category divide it all up to see exactly what’s happening. For instance: Snacks/Beverages, Entertainment, Bank fees, etc. Once done it should come as quite a shock to see how much money is being used for “little” things such as lattes, overdue fees, regular happy hours, etc. Until finances are reviewed candidly and regularly money will always be something that simply slips through your hands.

Do It Yourself
Regularly scheduled maintenance tasks can take a significant bite out of savings. Learning skills such as auto tuneups, home repairs, pet grooming, hair styling and so much more will not only save money, it could also possibly become a secondary source of income. Many home repair centres offer free classes and there are plenty of free online classes for everything from makeup styling to Calculus. Sometimes the things that are right under one’s nose are the most difficult to see. If you’ve got a knack for fixing things why not embrace it and even possibly turn a profit? Even if services provided to friends merely result in bartered goods and services, that’s still turning skills into more money in the bank. Get in touch with friends and write down everyone’s skillset so that a professional plumber never needs to be called gain.

Go Small or Go Home
Saving money doesn’t mean doing without all forms of entertainment. Though to be successful at shoring up finances, all fun activities should be retooled or avoided if they’re a detriment to savings. To help cut costs look for daily deals at restaurants and local attractions and sign up for coupons to be sent electronically.

If too much work has got you down then plan an occasion out but also keep these things in mind: Lunch is often much less expensive than dinner, daytime cinema prices are also noticeably lower than evening, set a specific budget for the evening and then stick to it, walk more and drive less, skip the cocktails for substantial savings.  If such changes still aren’t enough to build savings start entertaining at home. Set up a night for cards or board games and ask everyone to bring a beverage and dish of their choosing. Not only will you have a great time with friends, you’ll have spent a fraction of the amount you would have by going out.

Think Smart
In addition to saving money on entertainment there are also plenty of ways to cut costs with personal care items such as haircuts and colour, clothing and home embellishments. Many salon courses offer drastically reduced prices for cuts made by students under direct supervision of a professional. In addition, beauty supply shoppes and chemists often offer discount cards to help reduce costs. Coupons and buy-one-get-one deals are also great ways to save. True they may seem like little victories instead of big ones, yet when added all together you will be pleasantly surprised to find how much money can be saved. Plus isn’t it nice to find more money in the bank with just a few new approaches to life?


Category: Budget, Saving Money

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