Lower The Cost Of Having A Baby

| October 15, 2013

five ways to prepare financially for an addition to the familyIt’s an amazing feeling to find out that you’re expecting a baby. It’s easy to just want to take time and bask in the excitement of the future and dream of all the things that you’ll do together as a family. Of course, then reality sets in and you start to realize how expensive the baby will be and wonder how you’ll finance everything it needs. Don’t worry, though, there are simple ways to lower the cost of having a baby.

Start Buying Early

There are many things you’ll need to get for a new baby. Rather than putting it off and buying a whole lot at once, set a budget and begin early. If you plan to use disposable diapers, buy a package or two with each paycheck, along with a pack of wipes. Buy a variety of sizes because you don’t know how long the baby will stay in each size. If you get a few packs a months, by the time the baby arrives, you’ll have a nice collections stockpiled so you won’t have to worry about diapers for awhile. This isn’t just for diapers either. There are many baby items that can be bought early in multiple sizes: clothes, toys, bottles, even car seats can be stored until needed.

Buy Used

There are so many baby items that aren’t used often or for long periods that can be found much cheaper than buying new. Check garage sales for gently used clothes, as well as cribs, car seats, pack-and-plays, high chairs, and numerous other types of baby gear. If you’re uncomfortable with garage sales, check baby consignment shops. Most stores have high standards of what they’re willing to resale, so you can feel confident that there are no safety issues.

Borrow/Share with Friends

One of the most cost effective ways to get baby items is through friends. Nearly everyone knows of someone else who recently had a baby or is having a baby in the near future. Some of these people have things they don’t use very often anymore, but don’t want to sell. They may be willing to loan it for a few months until they need it again. For example, if your baby is just starting to sit up and is ready to sit in a highchair, a friend who is pregnant may be willing to lend theirs because they won’t need it for months. Perhaps you and a neighbor have always jogged together in the mornings, and now you’re both pregnant. Considering going in on a jogging stroller together. This way, neither of you has to absorb the whole cost and you both get enjoyment out of it.


Many people don’t think of it as a way to save money, but breastfeeding can save you more than just the amount you’d spend on formula. Yes, buying formula is extremely expensive, and depending on what kind your baby needs, the price can be astounding. Plus, if you have a hungry baby, you’ll go through more and more. Breastfeeding fights that initial cost, but it also saves down the road. Breastfeeding passes on immunities that help a baby fight sickness as they grow. This can save on healthcare as your child gets older. It also stimulates brain functions that help your child learn, which helps with schooling or tutoring needs later on. It might seem expensive to buy a breast pump if you can’t nurse the baby regularly, but the initial cost is worth the money it saves for years to come.

Having a baby is expensive and always will be, but with careful planning and a few minor sacrifices, it’s easy to make it a little more affordable.

Author Bio

Sarah Daren is a writer who creates informative articles relating to the field of health. In this article, she offers a few financial tips to families and aims to encourage further study with a sonography degree from the Adventist University of Health Sciences.



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