Investment Ideas For Savvy People Just Like You

| December 13, 2013

investing in your futureAs we’re now approaching the end of 2013, many people are starting to wish they’d made better decisions when it comes to the way in which they’ve used their savings. Sure, an ISA account might give you a slightly higher interest rate, but it’s never going to provide the level of return you could have achieved if you’d simply opted to invest in lucrative markets. You see; there’s a misconception out there about investing that’s led most of you to believe you need millions of pounds to make a go of it, and this simply isn’t true. Not anymore anyway.

Thanks to the birth of the internet and the onset of what most people refer to as the digital age, there has been a huge increase in opportunities big and small all over the world. Failing to identify them and get involved is nobodies fault but your own. Regardless of how profitable a concept might be, the chances of someone handing it to you on a plate are pretty slim, which is why you really do need to start researching your options as we enter 2014.

Here are just a few things that might be worthy of your time…

Stocks & Shares

For the most part, the stock market is considered to be something only those with significant capital can benefit from. However, thanks to brokerage firms and their introductory offers it’s now possible for everyone to get involved. At the moment, the ETRADE promotions listed on the Money Street Smart website seem to be the most appealing, so you should definitely head on over there are check them out before it’s too late.


Throughout the UK, property prices have been rising steadily for quite some time, and industry experts are predicting a new bubble will appear sometime during 2014 thanks to a government scheme that’s been helping people less well off to purchase a home. Even so, many residents simply don’t earn enough to buy outright, and this means the rental market is increasing in size at an alarming rate. So, deciding to invest your cash in a property portfolio and become a landlord could be incredibly lucrative.

Gold & Other Metals

The price of gold has dropped slightly from its all time high, but that doesn’t mean it’s going to be any less valuable in the future. Precious metals will always hold their worth, especially during periods where the global economy is less than fruitful, so putting your money in this direction could be the ideal solution to your financial woes. Admittedly, you’ll need to keep it tied up for a few years to see a positive return, but the chances of you losing out are pretty slim to say the least.

So, now you’ve read through the information and had a moment or two to consider each of the suggestions I’ve just made, which do you think would be most suitable? From personal experience, I can advise you to spend a considerable time looking into the opportunities available within the stock market, because this is where the largest profits can be made.

See you in 2014!


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