The Information to Get From Your Travel Agent Before Committing to Insurance

| September 12, 2013
Travel Guides

Travel Guides (Photo credit: Vanessa (EY))

Vacationing is one of the biggest and best parts of our lives. Unfortunately, things often go wrong, and it’s imperative that people do everything they can to set themselves up for a smooth holiday away from home. Part of doing this is meeting with the right travel agent before, and then getting the ideal travel insurance. Without it, a vacation can turn into a financial burden that people can’t overcome. Not only does that take the fun out the situation, but it can add some serious instability to people’s lives.

Travel insurance is interesting when finances are concerned, because it’s ineffective if the proper plan isn’t selected. It’s not as easy as dialing 1-800-Insurance and giving them your name. Deciding which insurance plan to go with depends on a number of factors, including but not limited to where you’re going and what risk your situation presents. Below are the main pieces of information to get from your travel agent before committing to an insurance plan, with the goal of streamlining your experience and sending you off on vacation in a seamless fashion.

The travel agent’s expertise

It’s very useful to find out if the travel agent you’re in contact with has expertise in the type of travel you’re looking at. Whether it’s before you meet them or in the initial contact, you should do your best to find out their history in the industry and their assigned role. If you’re going to spend money for a service, like anything else in life, it’s best to utilize someone that’s familiar with your specific needs.

If you’re visiting with a travel agent about cruises in the Mediterranean, but they normally only deal with domestic flights in the United States, the meeting probably won’t be as efficient as you want it to be. Even traveling within the country can present hazards that require insurance. For example, as a local in the USA, I still acquired insurance through a Charlotte insurance agency on my trip across the country to the Southern states.

Try and go to someone that is recommended for the exact type of travel insurance and vacation information you’re looking for. Whether you have to look at online reviews or ask around your workplace, the information is out there and should be easily accessible.

The actual risk of your travel destination

While it’s part of the process to look up the safety of your destination online, it really helps create certainty to ask someone like a travel agent about specifics. A travel agent’s goal is to provide you with an ideal vacation package, often including insurance, which not only suits your needs but provides them with a customer. Like any other business transaction, they want you to be happy so that you refer other travelers to them. Use them as a resource and find out exactly what risks you face in and along the way to your final destination. As an industry worker they will most likely have insight to your destination, and this is extremely valuable from your perspective.  Consult them, and from there the ideal travel package and insurance plan will become much clearer.

Travel agents are your resource, and with something as big financially as a vacation, it’s critical that you focus your attention on getting information from someone in the profession. Seek out their advice and see what they feel is the best plan to help create the safety net you need for your holiday.

The fine print

Before committing to any travel package, and specifically insurance plan, you need to not only have all of the fine print, but understand it. The insurance world isn’t sketchy in the sense that companies are always out to get people and steal their money, but more so that people just don’t take the time to understand the fine print. You can set yourself up for an awesome situation by requesting and then analyzing all of the information. Any sheet that you sign for the travel agent should have already been assessed with your careful eye.

It’s vital when dealing with a travel agent to get the details. Any business agreement is a convoluted mess without comprehension of the material. For some reason, people tend to skim over forms that deal with travel; and the reality is that this practice is just not sufficient if you’re expecting an ideal circumstance. Take your time and make sure you know what you’re signing. It will pay itself off later.

Travel agents are the resources available to help make your next vacation the trip of a lifetime. The catch is that you have to request their services effectively and efficiently. Going to an agent with legitimate experience, finding out the risks associated with your destination and reading the fine print are sure ways to start your trip out on the right foot.

Guest Post by: Austin Crowley, traveling writer and advocate of smart financial practices. You can find him on Google+.

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