Groggy Mornings? 5 Vitalizing College Morning Tips

| February 20, 2019

Do you find yourself feeling like you have to drag yourself out of your dorm bed every morning? Would morning classes be impossible without coffee?

So many college students have to deal with exhaustion in the mornings, and you might just think it’s one of those realities of higher education.

However, you can definitely make your mornings far more productive. These are five vitalizing college morning tips. 

Eat a Good Breakfast 

Breakfast may or may not be the most important meal of the day, but you should still eat something in the morning.

Even if you live in a dorm, you can have access to things like fruit and granola bars. These can give you nutrition that keeps you focused before lunch.

A glass of water as soon as you wake up can also help to wake you up and provide hydration. 

Turn Your Brain On

You don’t want to wait until class to start thinking. Pull out something to read, like an online news site or a novel.

You can also do brain exercises on your smartphone with special apps. It’s amazing how quickly you can go from groggy to energized by putting your brain to use. 


There’s hardly any time of day better for exercising than the morning. Wake up a little bit earlier and do some basic workouts, like push ups or stretches.

You’ll get your blood pumping and your mind fueled up. If your campus has a recreation center, consider it visiting before class. 

Get Enough Sleep 

If you’re constantly shorting yourself on sleep, it’s no wonder you’re tired in the morning. A regular sleep schedule of at least seven hours to sleep every night is a must.

You need to prioritize your sleep. Don’t stay up later than you need to and make your sleeping arrangements as comfortable as possible. 

Add Music 

Listening to one of your favorite songs is a great way to kick start your day. You can set it as your alarm or listen in the shower on a smart speaker like Tivoli Hi-Fi Pty Ltd.

It should be upbeat and make you excited about the day ahead. Try to mix things up so that you aren’t playing the same song every morning, as that could lead to disliking what was once one of your favorite tunes. 

If you have a hard time going to sleep you can listen to YouTube guided meditation videos to help you fall asleep.

When you feel better in the morning, you perform better throughout the day. You have more energy and are able to think much more clearly.

By considering these tips, you can start your college days on the right foot.

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