Getting the Most from Your Medicaid: Easy Tips that Will Help You and Your Family Gain More from Medicaid  

| April 25, 2014

Getting the Most from Your Medicaid Easy Tips That WIll Help You and Your Family Gain More From MedicaidThere is nothing more important than your health and when you are relying on Medicaid for your health insurance, it is important to make the most of what you can get. Understanding how Medicaid can best help you and using it to the advantage of yourself and your family can be a challenging process. The government is notorius for making hoops to jump through, but you don’t have to look at them as impossible. Even if they are difficult to understand as first, with a few helpful tips anyone can navigate the world of Medicaid.

Taking Full Advantage of Medicaid

The first thing to do is to understand the Medicaid regulations in your state. Different states have different rules, a phone call to your state funded health insurance provider can give you insight into benefits you had no idea existed. Once you know the rules, find a health care provider you feel comfortable with and that is close to home. This way you are not wasting gas every time you need to visit the doctor’s office. According to life insurance professionals in Medford, always remember to have your Medicaid card with you when you visit your health care provider to avoid billing mistakes. Attempting to fix a billing error after the fact is much harder than avoiding the error in the first place.

Preventive Health Care

The next, and probably most important, tip is to take full advantage of preventative health care. Do not wait for something to happen but take affirmative steps to keep yourself healthy. This is most important with children who are likely to experience costly health issues. Most Medicaid programs offer preventative children services, as well as preventative services for adults such as mammograms and prostate exams. When Medicaid is your health plan, you want to avoid the emergency room as much as possible and stick with your covered health care provider. If you do feel that you need to visit the emergency room, or that you cannot drive yourself to your physician, find a friend or even a taxi to drive you. Calling for an ambulance will result in a large bill that you will be responsible for. Finally, if you do develop a health problem–seek medical attention immediately. More often than not, the longer you wait, the more costly the treatment will be and Medicaid may not cover all or even most of it.

Save and Spend When Necessary

If you have big medical bills, medicaid can be a big help for getting you out of debt and on the right track to good credit and health history. Save all you can and cut back in your expenses where you can. When you are doing your part to pay the bills, medicaid will be more than willing to come through for the other half. When you do have to spend on the necessary medical expenses make sure you ask questions. Know what you are paying for, and why. If you think there is a problem with your bill bring it the the attention of your care provider. Make sure you know exactly what your statement comes down to.

Gaining the most from your Medicaid program boils down to a few simple tips: always carry your card with you when you visit the covered physician of your choosing, use preventative care to avoid the emergency room, and seek immediate treatment at the first sign of trouble. With a bit of common sense and sensible spending and saving on your part, medicaid will become easier to navigate.

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