Five Things the Walking Dead Can Teach You about Life and Money

| July 7, 2013

TheWalkingDeadPosterWhile many believe zombies are not real, watching fictional movies about them can be quite enjoyable. The Walking Dead is a television show on AMC, and while it is fictional, there are many lessons to be learned about surviving an apocalypse.

Keep It Simple

The simpler the survival tools, the better you will be. That is because you may not have electricity to cook with, or charge your electronics. In a backpack, you should have some basic tools (including a Swiss Army knife), snacks, bottled water, and some cash. You will also want copies of personal identification and clothing. These bags are known as emergency kits. They are the first thing to grab as you are running for your life, and you want to have enough stuff in the bag to last a couple days. When packed correctly, you should be able to store up to 72 hours’ worth of supplies.

Have Your Own Food Supply

While it can be difficult to own a cow, goat, or pig in the city, you can create a basic food supply. Have container gardens or herbs in pots. If you can find a way to have chickens, or set up a co-op to have livestock stored on someone’s land, you will be able to save hundreds of dollars. When food shortages occur, these are the first things to rise in price and be rationed out. If possible, take classes to learn how to hunt and fish.

Water Storage

Having a pond on your land for your livestock will help, but you will want a water source for your family. In a cellar, or bomb shelter, store enough water for every member of your family to survive as long as possible, up to one year. You will also want to obtain some water purification drops if you need to purchase more water later. Remember that you will need water to clean your clothing and wash your body. Water can be stored in plastic bins if a little bleach is added. The water will not be safe for consumption, but it will be safe for bathing and cleaning household items.

Stocked Pantry

Everyone laughs at the extreme couponers, and those who have shelves upon shelves of staples and household products. However, they are on to something, as you will always need flour, sugar, dried beans, and other canned items. If you have children, having formula and baby food is never a bad idea. When you have a stocked pantry, you will want to make sure you rotate your food, and learn to cook meals with anything that you store.

Have a Strong Shelter

Having a safe place to go that is underground is the best way to preserve your life. The shelter can be the same place you store your food. You will want to have electricity available if possible in your shelter, and cots to sleep on. You always want to have a place that is safe from the elements, and stocked with blankets, water, and food so you can survive a few days if needed.

This article was brought to you by finance writer Brent Matthews. For high returns Brent goes to


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