Five Questions Everyone Should Ask When Interviewing a New Attorney

| May 22, 2013

crime lawFinding a lawyer is sort of like speed dating.  With a legal matter pending in your life, you have a limited amount of time to choose the attorney with whom you are going to enter into a legal and business relationship.    As with a date, chances are there is a phone call, arranging a time and a place for a specific interaction that may or may not lead to future more intricate dealings.    When the time arrives for the all important face to face meeting you’ll ask questions get to know the person and take some time to decide whether or not to move forward.

Unlike dating, chances are you haven’t been honing your lawyer interview skills since you started middle school.   The concept of hiring an attorney might just be a brand new one for you however, finding the right attorney might just be as an important choice in defining the trajectory of your life as finding the right mate.

If you’re new to the hiring an attorney process here are five important questions that everyone should ask during the all important first meeting.

1. What experience do you have in handling cases like the one I have?

The right answer should be “I have specialized in this area for over a decade and have represented numerous cases just like yours”   You want to hire a lawyer who knows exactly what they are doing in this area.  Not someone who is getting on the job training at your expense.  Giving people a chance in the first time on the job is a noble affair but would you want an experienced brain surgeon or one that’s just decided that they’d like to try brain surgery?

2. Are you certified as an expert in the type of law that I need you to practice?  

This is another important question.  While the attorney might have has some experience with the type of law you need them to practice, they might not have focused their career on practicing in the area you need.  The American Bar Association offers certification as for specialists in different areas of law. Find out if the lawyer you’re talking to is an expert.  If they are not, you might just want to find someone who is.

3. Got malpractice insurance?

This is might be a difficult question to ask but you should absolutely feel free to ask it.  What you are saying here is “ If you screw up and I have to sue you are you insured” ?     A competent Attorney that has assets to protect will make sure they have malpractice insurance.  Having malpractice insurance doesn’t mean that they screw up often and need to be insured.  It means that they are protecting themselves and their families’ future from someone who may want to sue them.   It’s a good sign.

4. Would you be willing to provide a reference?

Don’t let the oak desk and the shiny brass fool you.  The person you are looking at is looking for a new income producing client.  This is a job interview.  You are hiring someone to do a job.  It’s only fair to ask for references.   Now some attorney’s might cite attorney client privilege and not be able to give you the names of people that they have worked for however, chances are there is a former client that has waived attorney client privilege and is happy to give the lawyer a good review.   If one of those clients isn’t available it’s a slight red flag.   Ask if they have a former client that is willing to call you and discuss their experience with working with the lawyer.   If they don’t then it’s a true red flag.

5. How do you charge and is there a written agreement of fees that I can review?

You would not order an ice cream cone without finding out how much it costs, so why should a big decision like hiring a lawyer be any different?  Ask for a written agreement. They are lawyers they should be used to paperwork.  If they can not provide a clear answer then it’s a huge red flag.  However, if they are open about their fees and provide you with the information you need the person across the desk might just be the one.

Frank Roberts writes for Auto Accident Attorney Info, a site specializing in consumer information on auto accidents and injuries including traumatic brain injuries


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