Five Ideas For Protecting Your Family’s Long Term Financial Stability

| December 12, 2013

Five Ideas For Protecting Your Family's Long Term Financial StabilityIt is important that the family finances are protected both now and into the future. Without proper planning now, your family could be homeless, penniless and without any hope for getting by. What are some things that you can do to ensure financial security for your family?  We will go over five simple ideas to protect your family’s assets below.

1) Get A Home Security System

The first step to protecting yourself and your family is to install a home security system. One home security expert from Chula Vista CA suggested that there is an estimate that an American home is broken into every 14 seconds! Security companies such as Vivint Home Security have various service options that can help to curb this issue for many families. Securing your property can not only help protect your family, but it can also prevent the spending you might do on loss, as well as even reduce your home insurance costs.

2) Buy Insurance

If you are too sick to work, a life insurance policy can pay your bills until you are able to go back to work. If something is broken or stolen, an insurance policy can help you pay to replace whatever you have lost. Although insurance premiums can take a large chunk out of budgets, the value they add in times of need often make up for it.

3) Save As Much As Possible

Put as much money as you can into a savings account. The government will insure up to $250,000 of savings in each bank where you have an account. Putting even a small sum aside each month can really start to add up to a valuable fall-back plan as you get older.  Seek out the highest interest savings account you can find early, and this will add a surprising amount to your savings if you’re diligent in adding month

4) Keep Your Valuables In A Secure Site Off Of Your Property

Although you may want to hang an expensive painting or keep an expensive billiard table in your home, you should keep as many valuables as possible off of your property. For example, you could put gold or jewelry in a safety deposit box at a bank. In addition, you could keep your car collection or other large valuables in a climate controlled and secured storage area.

5) Write A Will As Soon As Possible

What happens to your money when you die? You cannot be completely sure what happens unless you write a will. Your will dictates where the money goes and when the beneficiary can access that money. For example, you may want your kids to each receive $100,000 when you die. However, you may also specify that they don’t get the money until they turn 18.

There are many ways that you can protect the long-term financial stability of your family. Buying insurance, writing a will and keeping your valuables in a separate storage unit makes it easier to keep your money safe even if something happens to yourself or a member of your family.


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