The Five Alternatives to Costly Healthcare Expenses

| October 18, 2013

The Five Alternatives For Costly Health ExpensesNo matter what side of the healthcare debate you land on, pretty much everyone can agree that the cost of healthcare is simply too high for most Americans to reasonably afford. There are options other than just paying the high balances people think are required, however. Here are four ways to save on costly healthcare.

1. Choose the Right Insurance Plan

First of all, call around and get rate quotes from a few different companies. Something as simple as switching insurance companies can easily save you hundreds if not thousands of dollars a year. Adjusting the deductible up can save you on your health insurance premiums while adjusting it down means more of your health care expenses will be covered.

2. Do Your Research

You do not have to blindly accept the bills and information doctors and insurance companies give you. Research your conditions and see what other, less expensive treatments are currently available. If your health care policy does not cover a certain area, it will be important to look for alternatives. Researching will entail looking after your costs versus the condition you are in. You may find it is more beneficial to visit assisted living AZ versus constant hospital trips and home visits.

3. Talk to the Pharmacist

If you are on multiple prescription drugs or even if you are only on one but the price seems excessive, talk to your pharmacist to see what your options are. Pharmacists can review your prescriptions and make sure that none of them are overlapping or counteracting each others benefits. They can also let you know if any new and cheaper treatment options have been recently approved.

4. Talk to Your Doctor about Your Financial Concerns

Doctors are frequently not shy about prescribing medicines and treatments because they usually have a “better safe than sorry” approach to medicine. The risks of not treating you for something usually outweigh the risks of treating you for something when it is not necessary. If you let your doctor know price is a concern for you, however, your doctor can let you know which procedures are not truly necessary or can be put off for a while.

5. Looking Into Health Savings Account

For those who are worried about larger health problems in the future but do not go in on  a regular basis should look into a health savings account or HSA. This is a savings program for people with high deductibles. While putting money away into this account it provides a tax free option and will help save for expensive medical costs. Once the money is in the account you can take out of it every time you visit the doctor or need to pay for medical expenses. If you are still working, your employer may have a matching program as well and would definitely be worth checking it out.

While medical expenses are necessary expenses that you cannot just ignore, you do not have to feel stuck paying expensive bills you cannot afford either. Talk to your doctor, pharmacist and insurance company and explore your options. They may be able to work out a deal with you that gives you the medical treatment that you need without the high expenses that you simply cannot afford.


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