DWI Charge? 4 Tips for Getting Better Insurance Rates

| November 30, 2013

DWI Charge--4 Tips for Getting Better Insurance Rates picWhen receiving a DWI, a person will face an uphill battle in the court system and other areas. In the past couple of decades, the state and federal government have passed strict laws regarding driving under the influence. Of course, a person will feel other pain as their insurance rates, without a doubt, will go up, at minimum doubling. However, some people, depending on their history and charges, may pay up to triple what they used to pay. Luckily, with these four simple tips, a consumer can ease the pain and save a little money on their insurance

Get a Lawyer

When getting an attorney, a person can fight the charges, and may, due to a technicality or error, beat the charges. When this happens, a driver will not have to pay higher insurance rates. Other times, a DWI lawyer in Austin can help a person reduce their charges and this may save them some serious cash in the future. While most people forgo a lawyer, this is a mistake as they can save a client thousands of dollars in fines and insurance costs.

Get a Different Car

A drastic, yet effective, way to save some money is to sell your car and buy a cheaper, older one. Look for a small, basic car that’s a least 10 years old.  With this quick step, you can cut your monthly rates drastically as an old Tercel is less expensive to insure than a new and expensive sports car.

Drive Less

A person with a DWI scares insurance companies as he or she appears irresponsible. To combat these fears, you should opt to walk, take public transportation, or share a ride with friends as much as possible. Most car companies will consider you a low-mileage driver if you stay beneath 5,000 miles a year.  When a you can show the insurance company you don’t drive much, they often cut rates by 10-15 percent.

Limited Coverage

When issuing insurance, a company will determine rates by how much coverage a client has on his or her vehicle. When obtaining a lot of coverage, a customer will pay higher rates. To cut this, look at your policy and decide if you can get by with less coverage.  If you don’t have a loan on your car, you should really consider dropping your collision and comprehensive coverage.  These are typically the most expensive.  If you have a lender, raise your comp and collision deductibles as high as your lien-holder will allow, which is typically $500 or maybe $1000.

You can also lower your liability coverages often times.  Every state has a minimum liability level they require; and you can probably drop your coverage to this point.  While maintaining state minimums is not ideal and can expose you to risk in a collision, it can help make your insurance affordable in the short-term.  Once your DWI premium has dropped off, you can raise all your coverages back to your preferred levels again.

With these four simple-to-follow ideas, you can cut your monthly insurance bill significantly while you have your DWI.  If you do decide to fight your DWI charge, checking out options like HarronLaw.com can help you make an informed choice.  You made a mistake and it will cause you a lot of headaches; but there are ways you can mitigate the financial worries as you work to overcome the problem.


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