Buying Better: How to Make Common Home Purchases Go Further

| February 16, 2019

Home PurchasesIf you are looking for smart ways to stretch your dollar, you are in good company. Many people live on tight budgets, and they need to get the most out of their money in order to make ends meet. Others want to maximize the benefit of every dollar in order to achieve debt reduction or investment goals.

Regardless of your motivations to get the most out of your purchase, these are some excellent ways to make smarter home purchases.

Pay More for Quality Merchandise

At first glance, it makes sense to purchase the cheapest products that you can find in order to save a few bucks.

However, you may stretch your dollar when you choose quality products. You cannot determine quality by price, so always do your research by reading reviews and focusing what products are made from.

For example, copper cookware products generate great results in the kitchen and have superior longevity.

Research Maintenance Needs

Some products may have much more significant and expensive maintenance needs than others.

These maintenance needs may also be more expensive. Foreign cars, for example, have a reputation for being more expensive to maintain and to repair than domestic cars.

This is a broad generalization that does not apply in every situation. However, regardless of whether you are buying a new vacuum, icemaker or something else, maintenance needs should be analyzed.

Think about Multi-Purpose Items

If you are on the fence about whether or not to purchase an item, consider how many ways it can be used in your life.

For example, a regular home printer may serve an important function, but spending a few dollars more to upgrade to a combination printer that also scans and sends faxes may be more beneficial over the years.

On the other hand, if you cannot remember the last time you sent a fax or needed to scan something, paying even a little more for a multi-purpose printer may not be cost-effective.

Numerous factors should be considered as you look at the cost of ownership. In addition to the sales price of an item, think about longevity, repairs, maintenance, warranties and more.

When you focus your attention on the big picture instead of narrowing down to look at the price only, you can more easily find ways to stretch your dollar.

You may also look for coupons, specials and other ways to save so that you can get the right products at the lowest price possible.


Category: Family Finances

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