The Attributes of a Successful Business Leader

| December 17, 2013

78430394As any successful businessman will tell you, being at the top of your game is not just about making as much money as you possibly can, but also about creating an excellent business ethic and, as an individual, becoming an inspiration to those around them, especially those working within the company.

Long gone are the days when the ‘boss’ was rarely seen or heard of, and was presumed to be living a life of luxury somewhere a long way from his workforce. These days, true leaders are highly visible and motivated by a desire to inspire others too.

A lot of business men do, of course, fail. This is often because their focus is purely on the financial side of things and whilst no one would deny that profitability is a key goal, it should not be the only goal for those seeking success.


Without a vision of what he wants to achieve, a potential businessman is likely to fail. As those, like Tunde Folawiyo are fully aware, without a vision, there is little point in starting a business at all. It should be said too that having a vision for the business should be ongoing and flexibility may be needed as markets and financial situations change.

Be Creative

The world of business is full of ‘journeymen’; those who turn up on a daily basis and do what is required of them with little passion for the task involved. This approach can only bring about staleness and, as a business leader, is simply not an approach that will work and will almost certainly result in the failure of a business, especially one in its infancy.

Ethics and Honesty

There have been far too many cases in the news recently of businessmen involved in scandal and/or corruption. Long gone are the days when this could be covered up and, with modern technology and the internet, any discretion is likely to spread very rapidly indeed destroying a reputation that can take years to build up. Thankfully, most businessmen like Tunde Folawiyo have a different ethical approach to some of those in the past and also realise that a good ethical approach will win friends with consumers too, making it a win-win situation.


Although, when starting a business, it is easy to get carried away watching the profit margins grow; once a business becomes successful, it takes more than that to remain at the top. There should be no taking the foot off the pedal and any successful businessman should be looking to expand, if not in size, then in ambition, constantly setting new goals and targets.


There is little doubt that amongst successful businessmen like Tunde Folawiyo, one of the greatest achievements is to create a workforce with the same drive and commitment to the cause as themselves. This is no easy task and workers need to be able to look at the heads of the company and feel inspired by them, driving them on to improve themselves as well as the profits of the company.

Finally, perseverance is an important character trait of any businessman. Whatever industry you are involved in; there will be times when the going gets tough. At times like these a business leader will need to have the ability to persevere through the tough times, taking their workforce with them until better times return.


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