6 Best Ways to Keep Bones Healthy & Strong

| June 23, 2013

wellbeingyoga_1771100cThe body’s support system is the bones. Without healthy and strong bones, it would be impossible to move around. Every day, you have to do a lot of chores at home and perform your responsibilities in the workplace.

Younger individuals are able to create rebuilt bones quickly, but as you reach thirty or older, bone loss occurs. Therefore, you should choose to follow a healthy diet to maintain the balance of bone building. Otherwise, you are at risk of osteoporosis and other relevant conditions.

To make sure that you maintain optimum health, you should look into these 6 ways to keep bones healthy and strong:

  1. Bones and teeth need calcium for proper development. Therefore, you have to increase your calcium intake. To enhance bone density, you should boost calcium and vitamin D or K consumption. The latter is needed to ensure that calcium is effectively absorbed by the body.
  2. Boost potassium consumption. This mineral is needed by the bones because it prevents the calcium from being removed in the body, and this is done by neutralizing the acids that target calcium.
  3. Commit on exercising regularly, together with the Medifast diet. Focus on regular exercise like walking, running, stair climbing, skiing, hiking, and other weight-bearing workouts.  By improving balance and strength, you can prevent frequent falls due to osteoporosis.
  4. Drink your milk. Who said that milk is for kids only? Milk is a great source of calcium, and you can also consume dairy products such as yogurt, cheese, ice cream, and soy milk. You can also eat more of leafy greens such as kale and broccoli.
  5. If you can’t quit on alcohol, then you have to drink moderately. Alcoholic drinks are known to affect hormone production, and it also hinders calcium absorption.
  6. Quit smoking. This is one of the hardest things to do for smokers, but if you want to have healthier bones, you need to quit now! Cigarette smoking can lower the bone mass, so you need to put an end to it or you will become more prone to fractures and osteoporosis.

These are some of the ways to you can do to make your bones healthy and strong. It is never too late to try, though it pays to start at an early age. Just in case you are taking medications, you can ask your doctor if such medicines are able to affect your bone’s health. For instance, prednisone and other corticosteroid medications can weaken bones.

Talk to your doctor, and find out if you are at risk of bone problems. Follow the suggestions above, and by living a healthy lifestyle, you can easily make a difference. Don’t hesitate to introduce gradual changes in your diets and activity level, and you will reap the benefits soon.

Author Bio:

Alan Bries is a former collegiate athlete as well as a health & fitness enthusiast who writes on topics such as diets, diet reviews, exercise, general health, and nutrition for Diet Brand Reviews.


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