5 Things You Need To Have Professionally Cleaned

| August 30, 2013

5 Things You Need To Have Professionally CleanedIt feels great to take care of tasks like cleaning on your own, but there isn’t always enough time or money to do so. In some cases, it’s also safer to have certain things cleaned by pros. Here are five things you need to have professionally cleaned.

1. Air Ducts

Air ducts accumulate dust and other grime, creating a fire hazard if not cleaned regularly. Unfortunately, the task is not easy for homeowners to handle. The difficulty of the job can depend on the type of grime present, the age of the system and the presence of damage. If you hire professionals, you can keep your air ducts working longer and enjoy cleaner air in your home right away.

2. Drains

A small, easily accessible clog is simple enough to remove with a coat hanger or other tool, but bigger or deeper clogs often call for the work of a professional. Plumbers have the equipment and experience to handle all sizes of clogs anywhere in a drain. In addition to clearing your drain, this professional will also be able to spot potential problems and prevent similar issues in the future.

3. Teeth

Regular brushing and flossing are important for having healthy teeth, but a dentist can provide deeper cleaning for a brighter smile and better overall health. In addition to removing plaque, the dentist will be more likely to spot signs of health problems, such as oral cancer and gum disease, before they become serious. For best results, schedule regular visits to your dentist instead of waiting for a dentist postcard to arrive in the mail.

4. Chimneys

Many parts of the home can be cleaned by homeowners with the time and inclination, but the chimney is definitely not among them. Creosote, a flammable substance, builds up in chimneys over time and must be removed by a professional to prevent future fires. A professional chimney sweeper will have the equipment and know-how to get your chimney completely clean for your safety and peace of mind.

5. Carpets

Some homeowners rent steam cleaners and clean their own carpets, but this can be a big mistake. In addition to being a surprisingly major undertaking, carpet cleaning could result in serious damage if done improperly or with bad equipment. Since it’s impossible to know the condition of a rented steam cleaner, it’s usually best to hire professionals who can get the job done right, in less time, with superior equipment for dependable results.


Category: Home Improvements

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