5 Signs That You’re An Emotional Spender

| September 23, 2013


We are all human and unfortunately, at certain times our emotions can cause us to cry uncontrollably, overeat and overspend. Some of us have absolutely no control over our emotions. We sometimes have the ability to become debilitating emotional wrecks. For many of these people, spending seems to bring on a sense of unrealistic calm. The joy of handing over cash or credit card and walking jubilantly away with bags full of great items can build up a sense of euphoria. Your whole demeanour can change; your posture is different and you feel on a high, albeit a false high.

You react to advertisements

Do you suffer from marketing manipulation? You may not think you do, but if you feel like fast food every time the ad for that item comes on television, or you want to try a new product that is being advertised, you may just have been manipulated by a clever marketing campaign.

You try to buy love

Maybe you work long hours or are short on time. To try and make it up to loved ones, do you buy them expensive gifts?  The gift recipient may be delighted with your generous present, but the truth is, they would probably prefer to have more time with you. Lavish gifts usually only give short term enjoyment.

You have enough clothing to dress a small community

We all have a tendency to hoard clothes and keep items that we haven’t worn for years and years. However, if you have a closet full of new clothes still with the tags on and have never worn, did you really need that item in the first place? When did you buy it? Did you purchase it at a time when you were stressed out and emotionally upset? These are the questions that really need to be answered.

Memories make you spend

Certain places may remind you of good times or loved ones who are no longer with you. It is common for people to try to recapture those memories by spending up big at that place.  Material items can’t replace memories, so it is important to be aware of this.

Less stress equals using the credit card

Purchasing new clothes, shoes or the latest tech gadget will only give short term pleasure. At times of stress, many people find comfort in handing over the credit card to purchase totally unnecessary items. After reflecting on their purchases, they can become emotionally distraught and may try to obtain a refund on the items, which may cause even further stress.

If you know you are purchasing items that are not within your budget, you are an emotional spender.  You have to be aware of what triggers your emotional spending and the trigger can be different for everyone. If you feel your emotions are taking over and you have no control over your spendthrift ways, contact Fox Symes who offer assistance with budgeting and can help with consolidation of your debts. There are many options available to you to ease the burden brought about by emotional spending so get in touch with the FSA Group today.

About the Author:

Nitin Mehta is a finance consultant.



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