5 Examples Of The Most Valuable World Wide Stamps

| July 17, 2013
English: Stamp of British Guiana

English: Stamp of British Guiana (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Perhaps you have just started collecting or maybe have been a keen collector for many years? Have you ever wondered about what the most valuable stamps in the world are? Here we take a look at which five single stamps arguably are.

1. Treskilling Yellow 1855

This is considered probably the number one in value when looking at world stamps for sale and originates from Sweden. Its rarity is due, it seems, to a printing error as the 3 skilling stamp was originally printed in green, it was only the 8 skilling stamp which was yellow. With apparently only one in circulation this stamp is really the rarest. There has, however, been much controversy surrounding it with suggestions that it is a fake; a green stamp that has faded over time and then been carefully stained yellow. The most recent estimates as to its value set it at some $3million US dollars.

2. Mauritius 2 Penny 1847 Post Office Blue

This was most recently seen at an auction back in 2011 and sold for around $1.6 million US dollars. It is incredibly rare and has been the subject to much interest as Mauritius was the first British colony to use stamps. With only 26 believed to be left in the world the 2 penny was issued way back in 1847.

3. Mauritius 1 Penny Post Office Red 1847
As the sister stamp to the Post Office blue the red could well be worth more if it were sold at auction today. Unfortunately the last known auction that took place was back in 1993 and along with some other exclusive stamps for sale this one went for around $1.7 million US dollars. Newer listings for it set its used price at around $900,000 US dollars and a new, mint condition one at around $1.25 million US dollars.

4. British Guiana Magenta 1856

This famous little stamp was issued as a provisional stamp when Guiana, a British colony, ran out of stamps leading to a local printers being hired to make some emergency ones. It has a sailing ship picture on it, a signature in the bottom corner with magenta colouring and black printing, some would say it is not much to look at. It has been owned by the same person since 1980, a John du Pont, who was then imprisoned for murder and later died whilst still serving his sentence. It was purchased for just over $900,000 US dollars in the 1980s so it will be interesting to see what it could be valued for when the estate is settled.

5. Benjamin Franklin Z-grill-1868

This is thought to be the rarest of American stamps for sale and last sold for $930,000 US dollars in 1998. It is a one cent stamp and the Z-grill refers to a method of embossing the stamp once it has been used to prevent people trying to reuse it. All letters of the alphabet were used at different time, but the Z was only used for a limited period making this stamp the rarest of its kind.

Trevor Billings is a keen blogger as well as a stamp collector with an eye for up and coming exclusive stamps for sale on the international market.

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