3 Ways College Students Can Save Money Online

| October 16, 2013


College is a very expensive experience for many people. Unfortunately, many people struggle to not only pay the tuition but purchase school supplies as well. Fortunately, to help lessen the stress, here are 3 ways college students can save money online:

1. Comparison Shop

Before you get started, no matter what shopping method you use to shop, you should always take the time to compare prices. For instance, what may be a sale price for a particular item on one website may be more expensive than a regular price for the same item elsewhere. By taking the time to comparison shop, you will be able to save money.

Back-to-school sales

During the summer, many online retailers have massive back-to-school sales. During such sales, college students can pick up many school and dorm supplies for lower prices. However, during sales, it’s very important to only buy what you need and avoid other impulse buys. By creating a budget and sticking with it, you will be able to shop within your means.

Aside from school sales, you should also look for other sales such as Boxing Day sales, Black Friday sales, and more. By keeping an eye out for sales throughout the year, you may be able to find excellent prices on items you otherwise never would’ve been able to afford.

Social marketplaces

To save some money, and especially if you want to buy certain items as a group, you can try going to a social marketplace to find the items you need. By using social marketplaces, you can work together with other people to potentially lower the prices for certain deals. However, just be sure to fully understand how a particular social marketplace system works to avoid further stress.

Use promo codes

Many online retailers offer promo codes for certain products and services. By collecting promo codes from online retailers or third parties, you may be able to enjoy considerable discounts. Even if you only save a few dollars, every bit in your pocket will be beneficial.

2. Check the Shipping and Handling Costs

When shopping online, always make sure to take shipping and handling costs into account. While some websites may offer free shopping for certain products or price amounts, others do not. When purchasing items, be sure to weigh if the price of shipping and handling is worth it, and especially the service costs more than the actual item itself.

3. Check With Other Students

Many schools have places where students can meet up and chat online, such as social media platforms and forums. Fortunately, to help save money on your college costs, you can look for students selling items or looking for trades. By interacting with other students that likely have very little money as well, you can find items that are cheap or free.

It’s also important to remember that finding used items will often be much easier and cheaper. Once you overcome the desire to have everything be brand new, you will making a killing with savings. However, when purchasing used text books that may be a few editions, just make sure that they are still applicable for your courses.

With these 3 ways that college students can save money, you can focus more on your academic future instead of everyday financial burdens.

Andrew King is a personal finance expert. He loves to share his top money saving tips on finance and shopping blogs.


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