3 Home Appliances That Could Be Costing You Money

| July 26, 2019

home appliances

Although home appliances make your life easier and more comfortable, you can wind up paying an awful lot of money for that comfort.

Energy costs are some of the biggest expenses homeowners face, and many people do not know which appliances cost the most money to run.

To help you start reducing your utility bills, here are the 3 home appliances that could be costing you the most money.

HVAC Systems

Your home’s HVAC system is responsible for keeping your cool during the summer and warm during the winter.

However, it is by far one of the most expensive appliances to run. According to Connect4Climate.com, your heating and cooling system accounts for 47 percent of the energy use in your home.

Heating and cooling bills are by far the biggest culprits when it comes to high energy costs.

To improve this, make sure you are getting regular heating and air conditioning services to do tune ups on your HVAC system.

Your technician will be able to tell you if anything is running inefficiently and if there are any upgrades you should consider making to cut costs in the future.


Refrigerators are not small, and they run constantly. If you want to keep your food fresh, you cannot turn it off.

A refrigerator burns more energy than you think, especially if you have an older model.

Also, your refrigerator probably has a freezer that runs separately, so it is actually using double the energy.

Most refrigerators currently on the market use far less energy, so consider upgrading to a newer one.

It will not take you long to see the return on your investment from energy-cost savings.


Although you probably do not use your washer and dryer every day, they can drain a lot of energy when they are in use.

Statistics show these two appliances account for 14 percent of your energy use, which is second only to your HVAC system.

Your dryer is the worst offender. Save money by letting your washed clothes air dry from time to time.

Buy some indoor drying racks that you can mount on a wall in one of your warmest rooms.

Some appliances and entertainment equipment cost you money when they are not in use.

Computers, printers, routers, modems and microwaves continue to use energy when they are not in use but still plugged into an outlet.

For example, your microwave might be off, but the clock continues to display. Believe it or not, that clock uses more energy than you think.

If you want to save money on energy costs, unplug all your appliances when they are not in use.

If you do not need the clock, unplug the microwave. By being a little bit smarter you can cut significant costs on your utility bills.

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Category: Family Finances, Saving Energy

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