Economic Crisis Increases The Awareness Of A Budget

| September 22, 2013


With the financial and economic situation that the United States has been experiencing and is currently in many people are realizing how important it is to have a budget and stick to that budget.  People have realized that they have borrowed entirely too much in recent years and their spending has also increased.  In fact many people have gotten themselves into an amount of debt that they can no longer pay for and this has caused them to have bad credit.  The world of finance has no turned into a world of bad credit and no credit check loans.  In order to combat this kind of financial turmoil people have realized that they need to have a budget and stick to it.  This article will help you to know what a budget it and how to come up with one and stick to it.

What Is Budgeting

When speaking about your budget what is being spoken about is a plan for your financial future.  A budget is considered the most important step when it comes to financial planning and being able to set goals for your financial future.

Creating A Budget

When looking into creating your budget and understanding where your money is being spent it is important to examine your receipts and bank statements.  You should also keep track of every penny you spend over a time period of about a month.  This can be done in a notebook that you can carry around with you or you can add to every evening.  You should include everything you spend money on even if it is a monthly bill or a cash purchase.

What To Include In Your Budget

Once you have kept track of all of your spending for a month you will have a general idea of everything that you spend money on.  This will help you when you sit down to figure out what money you have to spend and what money you have available to save.

The money that you have to spend will include all of the fixed expenses that are every month.  This will include all credit card payments, car payments, utilities, and gas expenses.  You can even include grocery and entertainment expenses once you know how much you will have to spend on these items.  While completing this part of the budget you will find other items as well such as car insurance.  These should all be included in your budget.

You should also include the amount of income in your budget.  This should include you income from your employer as well as any additional income you may have come in every month.  This can include alimony and child support.

Once you have added your income and taken away your expenses you will see how much money you have left over every month.  At this time you can decide how much money you wish to spend or save.  Many people will use this as a way to save money for future expenses.


Having a budget is very important on an everyday basis.  Once you have created your budget it is important that you abide by it.  After all budgets only work if you stick with them.

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