What Are My Rights As A Foreign Expat Making A Uk Injury Claim?

| December 15, 2013

ID-10096071If you are a foreign expat, resident in the UK and you are injured in an accident that was not your fault in the UK, you would probably be able to make a personal injury compensation claim.

Accidents are not choosy, they do not only pick on native British people to injure, your nationality will not stop it happening to you, or you sustaining injuries severe enough to need medical attention.

There are many different types of accident that could happen to anyone, and many injuries that could be the result, some of which are live changing for the victim and those close to them.

Road Traffic Accidents

Road traffic accidents are defined as any accident where a motor vehicle is involved.  You do not have to be the driver of a vehicle to be injured, you could be a passenger or even a pedestrian that gets caught up in the incident.

78% of all motor related injury claims submitted to insurance companies are for whiplash injuries, not a life threatening condition but can be very painful and disabling while recovering.  Many of the other claims submitted are for much worse injuries and in fact on average, 5 people a day lose their lives on UK roads.

Work related accidents

Employers have a legal duty to protect the health and safety of their employees while in the workplace, and most employers do.  Even so, accidents happen in the working environment every day, and if they were caused by the negligence of the employer, you would be able to make a personal injury claim.

The same applies to longer-term industrial illnesses and conditions, the employer should take precautions to try and prevent them.  But if you get industrial deafness for example, because of the noise levels and no ear protection, you would be able to claim damages from the employer.

Slips and trips

Slips and trips are among the most common accidents in the UK. Something that sounds like you might get only a minor injury from can have devastating effects.  What of the slip was from height, or the trip down a flight of stair – the injuries could be quite serious, if you survive the incident.

Other accidents

There is no end to the types of accidents that might happen, things such as defective products claims, animal attacks, holiday accidents, sporting accidents and violent crime injuries to name just a few.  If you are injured in any type of accident that was not your fault you may be able to make a personal injury compensation claim,

Making a claim

When making a personal injury claim, you need someone who has experience and are experts in making uk injury claims.

You should contact UK Claim Lawyers whose solicitors are all specialists in this field.  They will ensure that every area of your accident and injury is looked into and accounted for, so maximizing the amount of compensation you are awarded.


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