Organize Your Business Space to Create a More Productive Environment

| June 14, 2017

business spaceEven though some people try to reduce the issue of productivity to the notion of hard work, intrinsic factors are not the only thing that affects the way we work.

Amongst the most notable external features that come to mind here is the issue of one’s work environment. You see, proper office organization can make all the difference here, which makes it into a topic more than worthy of a careful consideration.

Here are few tips and pointers that might just help you get the most out of your business space.

1.      The Right Temperature

Everyone knows that when it’s too hot or too cold in the room the productivity tends to rapidly drop. Still, is there such a thing as the ideal office temperature?

Actually, according to some surveys, this sweet spot occurs somewhere between 65F and 70F. Keeping the office temperature (or room temperature if you’re working from home) within these margins can slightly alter the way you work in a positive way.

Although this difference may seem as something barely noticeable, keep in mind that it requires zero effort from you on a daily basis. In fact, by installing a smart thermostat in your home you can monitor and control it with an app, without ever having to leave your workstation.

2.      Well-Utilized Business Space

business spaceAnother thing that has an impact on how productive you are is the question of how well utilized your workspace actually is. You see, working in an overcrowded and messy environment can be so distracting that it leads to a sharp productivity drop.

This is why you may want to keep the layout of your office as minimalistic as possible. The best thing about this is that it makes the commute across the office simpler and noticeably less noisy.

Still, what to do with all the stuff you don’t need? Recycling, donating and simply discarding are just some of the options you have available. Nonetheless, before you can make a final verdict you might want to check local storage solutions as a temporary way out of this mess.

3.      Separating the Breakroom

While giving your employees a break is extremely important, unless everyone is taking a break at the exact same time this can be quite difficult. People on the break may get to distract those who are still working, which is definitely something you don’t need. A separate breakroom also allows you the space to offer other amenities, like snacks or an office coffee machine.

Because of this, when designing your office layout, make sure to separate the breakroom from the work area. This way, everyone wins.

4.      Further Noise Reduction

business spaceIn previous paragraphs, we paid special attention to the distractions caused by noise. Well, the reason behind this is quite obvious actually seeing how you can’t turn away from it like you can from visual distractions.

Luckily, there are more than few things you can do on this front as well. As a first move, you can invest a bit into the purchase of silent keyboards and quality headphones for everyone. Next, you should encourage people to communicate with others in the office (unless it’s break-time) through IM apps instead of yelling across the room.

Finally, when choosing an office space, you should consider the surroundings as well as how sound-proof the office actually is.

In Conclusion

As you can see, creating a more productive environment is not exactly a rocket science. It all comes down to keeping the place clean, quiet and making the temperature just right.

Sure, there are other tricks that may help like painting the room in the right color, going with standing desks or even exploring the notion of office ergonomics a bit further. The more you do, the better for your business, but the above-listed four items should be the bare minimum.



Category: Business

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