The Affects Smoking Can Have on Your Insurance

| August 8, 2014

6 Simple Ways To Save Money On Unexpected Health ExpensesMost people realize that smoking is harmful to their health and even the health of others but how many people start to look further than this and see many of the other costs that are associated with smoking. Smoking is known to cause a wide range of illnesses, from cancer to heart disease, and the knock on effect is being felt in hospitals all around the world. The cost of treating these diseases can be very high and because of this, many insurance companies charge higher premiums for smokers. The cost of health and life insurance is not usually cheap at the best of times and you will find that it will only increase for people who refuse to quit smoking.

Some of the illnesses that have been associated with smoking include:


  • Lung Cancer
  • Heart Disease
  • Strokes
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Asthma and Other Respiratory Complaints
  • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
  • Bronchitis
  • Pneumonia


If you or a member of your family has suffered from any of these illnesses, you will know how debilitating they can be. If you are a smoker and you suffer from one of these diseases, the effects of smoking often make the prognosis much worse than if you were a non-smoker.

Insurance companies all around the world have been increasing their premiums for smokers who want to take out health insurance. The chances of these people becoming sick and needing to use their insurance are often much higher then for people who don’t smoke. Depending on where you are in the world, you may have to pay premiums that are up to 20% higher than non-smokers of the same age. If you want to pay less for your insurance, you might want to contact a professional that specializes in helping people quit their addictions.

Quitting any addiction is usually difficult and many people who try to quit without getting any help or advice from experts end up failing. If you are serious about quitting, you might want to get in touch with experts that can be found online. By contacting a professional smoking centre, you will be able to speak to experts who have years of experience under their belts with helping people to give up their addiction. There are many ways they can help you to quit and you should start to see some results soon after joining up with them

There are many benefits that can be gained from quitting smoking; here are a few of them:


  • Better General Health
  • Improved Stamina and Fitness
  • Longer Life Expectancy
  • Healthier Shin and Whiter Teeth
  • Fresher Breather
  • Lower Insurance Premiums
  • More Money to Spend on Your Family


If you are a smoker and you would like to quit, simply carry out a search on one of the Internet’s many search engines for professional therapists who specialize in helping people quit their addictions. You may have found that your insurance premiums keep rising if you are a smoker and when you add this to how much the cigarettes actually cost you, you will soon realise the massive cost that is associated with smoking. Stopping smoking can save you a lot of money, whether directly or indirectly. You will not only benefit health-wise, you will also find that you have more money in your bank at the end of the month.

In many countries around the world it is very important to have insurance that covers you for health. If you don’t have a suitable policy you may find yourself with a very large medical bill should you be unfortunate enough to have an accident or become seriously ill. If you are a smoker, you might find that some insurance companies turn you down, as they are not prepared to take on the added risk that a smoker brings with them. If you do find a company prepared to offer you a policy then the premiums will usually be higher than for non-smokers. If you want to enjoy better health and lower insurance premiums, you might want to think about quitting smoking with the help of professionals that specialize in helping people get over their addictions.

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