7 Ways to Earn Extra Money When Unemployed

| October 5, 2014

7 Ways to Earn Extra Money When UnemployedIn the tough times of a recovering economic recession, any opportunity to make some extra money is one to be quickly taken. If you are facing the unfortunate lifestyle and struggles of unemployment, rest assured that, although it may not make you a full income, there a few resources to look into for generating some quick and small amounts of cash. Just make sure that you keep in mind that some money is better than no money. Consider the following seven suggestions if you are struggling with financial woes and unemployment.

1. Lawn Care

A timeless and easy way to make some quick cash from your lovely neighbors around the block is offering a weekly or biweekly lawn care service. Chances are, your neighbors will be happy to accept your services for a reasonable price in honor of helping out a motivated friend in need. However, make sure you do a good job. You might consider mowing you yard first and make it look good. Make sure it looks clean and appealing to your neighbors. Then take pictures of your yard once it is completed. Then take those pictures and go door to door and offer your services to your neighbors. Show them the pictures of your yard and tell them that you are willing to take care of their yard for a small fee. Keep your fees small, but try to pick up a lot of lawn care jobs in your neighborhood. This way your neighbors will be more likely to have you back again to do another job and hopefully you have picked up some extra work with other neighbors in your area on the side.

2. Street Performing

If you have an exceptional musical talent or something just strange and appealing to show off to the world, street performing can bring in somewhat of a small income. Find a nice, popular location and set out an inviting donation bucket. Just make sure if you are playing music, that it sounds catchy as it will increase your chances of a donation. If you decide to do something else like dancing or stand-up comedy, make sure it will be appealing to the public eye.

3. Sell Your Stuff

If you are struggling to make ends meet financially, you might want to consider selling items that you don’t necessarily need. These items could include things like DVDs, video games, or CDs. The best place to sell video games is typically over the internet. Especially if you have vintage video games that have become rare to find, you should be able to sell them more over the internet rather than at a local store.

4. Blogging

If you have easy access to an internet capable computer or even tablet device, starting or joining a writer’s blog is a fantastic way to tap into your creative voice, and cash out with a paycheck. Plus, it is a great chance of turning into a long term work from home position, and can lead to much bigger opportunities.

5. Babysitting

Another classic money making service is babysitting. Everyone always has or knows someone who is in search of great child care, and usually parents are willing to pay a great deal for a great babysitter.

6. Sell Your Blood

It’s actually your plasma that you’re selling, but the money is pretty decent. Find a local blood bank and ask for their hours and guidelines for selling. Be careful of how often you do this, as it make you feel sick later.

7. Rent Out Your Belongings

It may seem like a strange concept, but a neat way of bringing in some side money, is renting out a spare bedroom, your car, and even as much as your designer clothing. Check out virtual marketplaces where you can offer your rentals and set a price list and details.

It is understandable that you may not want to pick up any of these little odd jobs, especially if you are used to working bigger and better jobs. Yet again, it is better to be able to make some money rather than no money when you are unemployed.


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